Una Kravets
CSS Houdini & The Future of Styling
It’s almost here! Houdini — the future of CSS! This spec allows developers to write web worklets with JavaScript syntax and access the CSS Object Model for the very first time. Everything will change!
In this talk, we’ll will walk through some of the visual magic we can create by using Houdini and its various upcoming browser APIs, and go through a live demo of how we can get started with implementation. Learn about how to use Houdini and what it means for the future of web application styling.

Hi, everyone. I'm so excited to be here. Talking to you about Houdini, and there is so much to cover so I will go right into it. I love this meme. When I was a pup, I had one toy and it was sick.
This is like writing CSS 15 years ago, where we didn't have the technology we have today, we have custom properties, there is so much at our hands, and it makes writing styles for the web such a joy. CSS still has its downfalls and challenges, right? Let's talk about form styling. Why? Why can't we style forms in 2019? If you're familiar with W3 schools, an education site that shows you basic ways to write web for the code, and so I saw this custom dropdown there and I thought, "Oh, cool." The steps we've got is we've got HTML, we are adding CSS - fine - there's like some studio elements there, and then I scroll down and it's [sound problem].
Still today, it's frustrating because I like to separate my logic and my styling. You can't do it on the web. We can make gradients on the web, and they're cool, dynamic, you can create a comma-separated list of values - live on page - you can adjust these things. You can layer them.
So it becomes this really great tool when you're creating filter effects on images. I using this on the web. You can't read ...
gradients yet. The top point, they go round the centre and to to that point. If we wanted to create ... if we wanted to create a continuous gradient we would create the colour for the first and last value and create it there.
If we look at "can I use", we can see that the gradients are not well stored, so we can't use those on the web. Gradients are something that doesn't currently exist in CSS. Right here, I have an example where I have a div, and, when I hover it, I'm converting from red to blue.
So that is what I'm trying to do inside this gradient. I'm setting it to go to right and from red to blue, and then transferring to deep pink. When I hover on this gradient, this div, it's not able to transition that value, and we will get into it a little bit later. Not able to do it on the web.
Custom borders are something that you can kind of on the web. We have a border digital property which is cool but it's limited.
If you wanted to do something like a corner shape which would mask your image as well as apply a border shape on that element, this is not something that you can do, and this is 200013 spec who tried to push this forward and it never really got into browsers - sad. But there's Houdini? If you haven't heard of Houdini, it's really, really cool. It's basically a low-level API-for-CSS, and more accurately, it's a series of APIs that give developers access to the CSS object model, and it allows us to tell the browser how we want it to read our CSS code. So, this is kind of what happens now? If you want to style something on the web that doesn't currently exist as a CSS property and value pair that you can write in CSS, you have to write a JavaScript polyfill for it. So, your browser goes through this parser set and reads the DOM and the CSS object model, and then you have to do that all over again with the JavaScript polyfill because you're reapplying the styles to the page after it's already loaded ones.
But with Houdini we can apply the styles directly to the CSS, so we have so much power as developers now, because we can tell the browser at that CSS step what it should be doing when it is reading our code. Exciting. So while it takes a while for specs to get implemented in browsers, that is like this big dog here taking its time, that's a good thing, we don't want the browser to implement anything.
If you wanted a feature that doesn't currently exist, you can be like this pupper zooming by creating your own tech, CSS polyfills, creating JavaScript to do it, and it exists in the browser. Pretty cool. The best resource for this right now is Houdini ready yet - we have all the browsers agreed that implement the spec, as well as the W3 specs you can go and read. The state of "can I use? " For Houdini.
It's very much a work in progress. The most supported APIs are the paint API and the typed object model, and so because we have limited time, that's what we are going to focus on here today.
So let's start with the typed object model. The typed object model allows us to have more semantic CSS parsing. What does that mean? Right now, it has to go through the whole string-based Regex parsing, and that is slow, it's looking for an ID, property, class, or a specific key word in that string which is like the dot here, and the string from that dot until that open curly brace, then looking for a property value, a colon, a value, a unit, a semicolon, making sure those are accurate values and they work properly. This can get really messy really fast, and it's just so much slower than having some structured data, so the typed object model supplies that structured model.
I get a value like height and we return a CSS unit value which is this object that returns a value and a unit, so this is a lot more semantic and so therefore it makes it faster to read through that CSS. And so here I'm doing this, I have a box, it has width and height. We can get properties from computer style-out and you can set properties, so do attributes, property, and then I could specify css.number giving it a type, and then it's going to update and a that, and, when we do that again, we see we're getting our parsing.
If you look at this in DevTools, you will get the CSS unit value object where you have that unit and value separated out. That leads me to the property and the values API. Have any of you used custom properties right now? That's 30 per cent of you. Custom properties are really great because they're actual dynamic CSS variables that we have not browser. Unlike Sass where you have a static variable that you're using which is going to port out to some value, here, you can actually update these in JavaScript.
You can separate your logic and your styling again because you can keep the style part in CSS and do the logic to change that value inside of your JavaScript, and then pass it, and super dynamic and cool, so you get a name and a value with your basic custom properties, but with the properties and values API, you get so much more than that. You can specify a name for it, a syntax for it, and an initial value definition, and, if it isn't going to inherit from its parent. Let's look at the example again of the gradient. We have our box, and I have a colour, so it is custom property, and I'm transitioning from that colour. I'm specifying the transition's going to be one second long, and on hover, it's going to turn blue.
So, again, still not getting an interaction here. It should take one second to register that colour. We can call this whatever we want.
I have colour-stop, the syntax is colour, and specifying that syntax. I'm not going to inherit the initial value which will be transparent. The as I update this to colour-stop, update this value here, also to colour-stop, and I update the transition to colour-stop, if I create the hover to match all of those and run this, it's going to slowly fade into the blue. [Applause].
I love visual demos! It's just like, wow. I typed one thing, registered property, there's so much meeting behind that property now.
It's not just a string value. There's actual meaning for the browser to understand interpolation between to these these two values. The other thing about custom properties is that you can set initial, fallback values. I have to registered properties, colour primary and secondary.
If you look at the CSS, we are transitioning from colour primary to secondary on hover. We are getting that one-second transition, if you notice, I'm not actually specifying that custom property, that variable inside of the CSS here. I don't have to do that because I've registered it in the CSS registered property.
I can update colour primary. I can do colour primary red, and then if I run this, it will update to red. There's no problem there. We can always update it.
If I don't have a fall here, if I have a false value like 23, it will always fall back to the blue-violet. Let me show you what happens if I don't register a custom property, there's an invalid colour in the background, I run this, it falls back to transparent.
The best thing about CSS is when there is a false line, it doesn't crash your programme, it just ignores that line so you can continue living your life. But it's something we can now look forward to with this sort of air channelling and type-checking for CSS. And so this is kind of like having typed CSS variables, and I think that's great for CSS systems, design systems, making sure that everything is super cohesive, and aligned when you're building for the web with CSS, with your team. So, now I want to talk about the paint worklet. If you've heard of service workers and web workers kind of works the same in that it is a layer between your - it pre renders assets and push notifications because they live in the in-between.
When you open the website, you register the worklet on your website, so you can always access that, even if your network is offline. So, if we are registering our worklets, working with the paints worklets, what we do in JavaScript is register that type. We give it a name.
I'm using a class here here. You can put it in there. In HTML, we need to ... to add it to the page, and then you call what your naming register paint, and then the CSS, you would specify that work clip by name, so I called it "fun" in this example and I would be able to background-paint fun.
Is this JavaScript and CSS? Yes. So let's take a look at this little example that I made.
It's just some text, and what I'm doing is I wrote this little Rainbow worklet where I'm going top left to bottom right and adjusting the size with these pixel values. Then in the HTML, I'm adding the worklet to the CSS, and then the style, the way that I get to use it is by setting the background image. You can set a border image, use this in any way you want. It's one line of code to get all of those effects in CSS.
Separate those concerns. Here's our conig gradient again. You can write Polly files.
Right now, there is a polyfill. This polyfill where writing out this worklet to allow for gradients, and you can send in context geometry, properties, and argument. So sending in those arguments allows us to in the CSS type in here "red" and then we can run this, and, in the browser, we get what we saw before with that gradient is now a full circle. This is pretty cool. The feature syntax is going to allow for us this use these in variables where we can do background gradient and right now we have the syntax.
Again, this is experimental. This is like extending the web. That's really cool. You're extending the web with CSS. I work on material design now.
We provide a platform for developers to create their own customised themes, and that includes colour, topic, and also includes shape, and this example is one of the samples called Shine, where we have this angular shape. These are the two things that we have as shape sort of specs, and so rounded corner is one, and you can definitely do that on the web, but a cut corner is not something that we can do on the web yet. Like I showed earlier, that corner shape spec never really got put into the browser.
But, we can sort of work around this. You can create a CSS Houdini paint worklet, and this is one that I made to just specify the different corner radiuses, paint style to be outlined, or filled, and you can just start really to play and get a really good feel for this. You can use masking as well as background. Remember the examples I was using showing background.
When you use WebKit mask image, you specify what you're doing at your mask for any elements, and then I combine these techniques to recreate these materials buttons but with the notches here. These are the original ones, and a big challenge here was containing that ripple effect when you hovered, so I used a mixture of background and mask when I was creating in notch corners worklet and applying it in the CSS to these outlined buttons and filled buttons.
So you could take existing infrastructure and progressively enhance it because you can use that support, if you're using background, it will just fall back to the previous line in CSS. And this is the way that we can integrate it into our UIs now. So, let's make some magic. I'm going to do a live demo here.
Wish me luck. Warnings: this is experimental, so have web platform features enabled. Also, you must be using ACDVS or localhost because this lives outside of your page and it's for security.
I hope this works. So, let's start with a canvas. I have a canvas here that I've set up, and so it's just giving it a width and height. I'm going to zoom in here so you could see this a little better.
Inside of my JavaScript I'm having a random function, setting up the canvas, giving parameters for a sparkle, height, width of weight, and position. It's going to randomise the height, width, and weight that have, randomise the position of that.
We will set the colour, and then we are going to paint this. That's why every time I refresh, I'm going to get a random sparkle. We don't want one sparkle, we want probably multiple sparkles. Let's set 30 sparkles. We are creating a loop here to loop through and apply the sparkles.
Once this reloads, we have all the sparkles - 30, that's a good start. I feel like this colour yellow is a bit too similar here, so we can use HSL values to get a really saturated value, so I'm doing a random between 90 and 100. Hue is going to be the yellow/orange range, and light is the thing that changes the most, so I can get rid of our colour, so we have this canvas, but I want to convert that now into a paint worklet, right? Let's get rid of all this.
Let's use something we're all familiar with, and this is .... this is the Codepen for the X? Did you know you can change it? The main thing here is that the tiles keep their positions. I will show you what that looks like here. If I zoom out all the way, you can see that this is the layout for the X up there, and we're going to try to make some Houdini magic work in that X.
So, what we need to do now since BBC got rid of the canvas in the HTML is get rid of the canvas in the JavaScript since we're not using in stuff any more, and we have to start writing a worklet. Let's do that.
Let's do a type-check so we can see if type of register paint is not equal to unde fined, then we will create a class, create a class call "sparkle". And then inside of that, we want to use paint. We're going to get the context and the size of the div that we want to apply this to. From there, we want to put this in here.
All of this we did, we created those sparkles and place those inside here. Now I have the beginning of a worklet but we have to register it. Let's go right outside of our statement where we are checking to see if this is even supported, and we will do a register paint, and we will do sparkles as the name of it, and we have to call that class sparkles.
So what we have to do now is make sure that we are getting the size and height, not from the canvas but from the element, so we have to update that to size. We have to to make sure that we are going in here calling this JavaScript code, and the way to do that inside of Codepen is use your pen ID. It's a little hackie. I have to register this script. I'm going to do css.paint.worklet.module.
It's going to listening to this file in theory. I'm going to save that. Inside of our tile which is every single one of the tiles, I'm going to do a background paint sparkles. And if this all worked out, we will see some sparkles. Sometimes, I have to refresh for it to work.
Oh, no! What happened? Okay. Let's go through this. All right, registered our worklet.
It has a name. We are adding it to the HTML with this script. The CSS paint worklet. And we are applying this to our tile with the name that we called for the time.
Well, this is not working, so, we're just going to do this inside of another little starter. I will show you what this looks like.
We have a back-up! [Applause]. Darn, I wished that worked so much. That would have been so cool! [Applause]. So you can play with these slides.
You can play with that Codepen which is really, really cool. What I did next was I got these input properties, so I'm pulling in the input properties from our document here where I'm creating a custom property called "sparkle num" I'm animating a key frame called sparkle, and I'm pulling in the values and updating those and using that as my animation. Since this is not a registered property, it's not going to interplate those values that you want to - it's not going to return to that every time.
A thing I learned yesterday. So that is what that looks like, but remember when I mentioned that this was truly JavaScript in CSS? So who created houdini.rocks, he created this worklet that just evaluates a custom property, so you can basically in your CSS put all of this code and then you can apply the background paint inside of your CSS. It's super, super meta, but you're writing your JavaScript and I thought you might like to apply it. I thought you might like that.
[Applause]. Thank you.
So there are some caveats to this approach, and that is that it is semicolon sensitive. Also, your variables must be there in instantiation, they're not dynamic, so you can't get those static properties and apply those here. You have to have it all in one place. I would love it if that could be its own custom property that you include inside of your elements but you can't do that right now.
You have to make sure that it is all in one place if you do that method. Now I want to talk about something extra. Extra.css is a little library I've been working on that allows you to use Houdini today in your own applications.
This is a CSS Houdini paint API library for to make the making your sites a little more Extra. What we can do here is play with all of these different things like the sparkle demo, you can change the number of sparkles.. you can make them bigger by changing the width variants, the height variants, the weight to make them thicker, you can create this scallop border, give it any colour you want, you can play with the weight of that, so you can adjust that here. Why have one underline when you can have many underlines? So, we have super underline.
You can adjust the number of underlines, the spread of those underlines, the weight of those underlines, and just have a little fun playing with that. There's a cross-out, so you can adjust this colour too, you can change the weights of this cross-out, and then confetti, because who doesn't like confetti? Confetti is a fun little thing to add to any website.
Here, you have control over what that looks like. The way to use it is you can use this right now by setting it up with one CDN listening, so inside of the HTML, this example, I'm going to close that result. What I'm doing is we're just including the worklet as a file, shout-out to my first contributor working on this yesterday. Yay.
So here you could include your script, and then inside of your CSS, you can set properties if you want to override them, or you can just use background paint, and it will take the default value as I showed you before. With one line of code, one script inclusion, you could have Houdini working right now in Chrome Stable in the future Edge which I also test these slides on, and they work, so that was pretty cool. I hope to see a lot more of this in the future.
It's a great way it that gives developers so much control over the styles of our website. So, you can combine all those things to make layouts like this, and as Aga said, I do sing songs for every intro to my podcast. I thought I would end this with a little ditty. Can I get some music? [Electronic piano music]. I'm doing this for you all.
* Try bootstrap.
* Go to the website with Stylus.
* Even almost with native.
* First I'm so thankful.
* Thank you to web good morning. I don't understand it, though.
* One taught me love.
* One taught me to build patience.
* Now my paint looks amazing.
* I've learned and I've shared.
* But please don't look at it.
* Changing tech is a habit.
* And to that I say.
* Thank you, next!
>> Thank you! [Cheering and applause].