
📹 Una Kravets
CSS Houdini & The Future of Styling

📹 Sher Minn Chong
Recreating Retro Computer Art with JS!

📹 Ziran Sun
Build an end-to-end IoT system using JavaScript with "GDPR awareness"

📹 TC39 Committee

📹 Tara Z. Manicsic
ES2019 Features: What Even Are They?

📹 Stefan Judis
HTTP headers for the responsible developer

📹 Stanimira Vlaeva
Embedding V8 in the real world

📹 Shwetank Dixit
Block, unblock, block! : How ad blockers are being circumvented, and how they are fighting back.

📹 Pier Paolo Fumagalli
Tales from the Toilet: how Javascript helps the production of tissue papers

📹 Vitalii Bobrov
JavaScript, JavaScript…. Rocks You!

📹 Roshan Gautam
You should start a tech community too.

📹 Paulo Lopes
10 things I learned making the fastest js server runtime in the world

📹 Laurie Voss
JavaScript: who, what, where, why and next

📹 jenn schiffer
javascript considered...useful

📹 Henri Helvetica
Shape Of The Web

📹 C J Silverio
The economics of open source

📹 OpenJS Foundation
Panel: +1 to a Collaborative Future ~ the Foundation of JavaScript

📹 Michael Mifsud
GraphQL: Towards a universal query language

📹 Manu Martinez-Almeida
Stencil: a built-time approach to the web

📹 Kat Marchán
tink: A Next Generation Package Manager

📹 Jessica Jordan
Crafting Comics for Literally Everyone

📹 Jason Williams
Let’s build a JavaScript Engine

📹 Houssein Djirdeh
Performance Empathy

📹 Garann Means
What happened to my JavaScript phone?

📹 Bryan Hughes
The Contentious Relationship Between the LGBTQ+ community and Tech

📹 Chidinma Kalu
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

📹 Allison McMillan
BDD: Baby Driven Development

📹 Alexandra Sunderland
Bringing back dial-up: the internet over SMS

📹 Aditya Mukerjee
করো: Translating Code to Other (Human) Languages, and Back Again

📹 Nikhil Thorat
TensorFlow.js: Bringing Machine Learning to the Web and Beyond.

📹 Nick Kreeger
TensorFlow.js: Bringing Machine Learning to the Web and Beyond.

📹 Nat Alison
Polyhedra, I Choose You! Letting Your Passions Take Form

📹 Meya Stephen Kenigbolo
Javascript is for Everyone!

📹 Maximiliano Firtman
The modern PWA Cheat Sheet

📹 Maxim Koretskyi
A sneak peek into super optimized code in JS frameworks

📹 max bittker
Simulating Sand: Building Interactivity With WebAssembly

📹 Martin Sonnenholzer
animations - learning from cartoons

📹 Marley Rafson
The Case for Augmented Reality on the Web

📹 Maël Nison
Yarn - 2019 and beyond

📹 { live : js }
Making of this Stage

📹 Leandro Ostera
Building WebApps Like It's 1972 🧙♂️

📹 Kevin Doran
Offline-first data: Getting Bigger

📹 Joyee Cheung
Web APIs in Node.js Core: Past, Present, and Future

📹 Johnny Austin
Finding Your Abstraction Sweet Spot

📹 Joe Sepi
Promises API in Node.js core: where we are and where we’ll get to

📹 Jason Straughan
Teaching Kids to Code by a 13 year-old

📹 Fedor Indutny
llhttp - new HTTP 1.1 parser for Node.js

📹 Ella van Durpe
Designing a Rich Content Editor for a Third of the Web

📹 Amanda Sopkin
What JS Developers can Learn from Medieval Coats of Arms about Accessibility

📹 Constanza Yáñez Calderón
About life, robots and cats!

📹 Havi Hoffman
In the land of the JavaScripters

📹 Ashley Williams
JavaScript's Journey to the Edge
BIPoCiT Space Speakers

Dorian Holmes
Learning JavaScript in 2019

Frances Coronel
Being a Unicorn Working for Another Unicorn

Hasan Özdemir
Building Substratum for an Inclusive Tech Community

Tatiana Mac
The Technical Debt for Us