Kat Marchán
tink: A Next Generation Package Manager
With nearly 1,000,000 packages, the npm ecosystem is the largest out there, by far – but the ecosystem and its package manager were created in more humble times, for small projects and packages centered around the Node.js ecosystem itself.
It’s about time we redefined package management for modern web development, and that redefinition is tink: a package unwinder for JavaScript brought to you by npm itself. With tink, you’ll find unprecedented speeds, deep compatibility with everything from Node.js to bundlers, and a UX workflow optimized for the modern web developer. Come join us for the official unveiling and find out what the future of all package management will look like for years to come.

>> I can't believe I'm right here right now. Give it up for the conference organisers. This is amazing. [Applause]. So, hi.
My name is cat Kat. I'm the lead maintainer architect for the npm CLI. I'm not here just to talk about the npm CLI, I'm here to talk about an experiment I've been working on called "tink" which I'm hoping will set a precedent for JavaScript package managers in the future.
I want to talk about the why, more specifically, about what npm needs to do in order to get JavaScript apps to work, and there is really one big end goal we have had for most of the npm's lifetime. Put a bunch of stuff in your local node modules as fast as possible and everything consumed from there. Make it as fast as you can. That seems pretty straightforward on its own, but what does it really take? So for context, I want talk about the overall problem.
What steps we've taken along the way to mitigate the issues we came up with, that came up. Now, the process I'm going to describe is mostly shared between all current package managers. They all do different optimisations and clever things around each step, but they all kind of have to do this at some point or another to be compatible with Node.
Let's take a look. This is high-level overview of what a JavaScript installer needs to do. We all do this to some extent or another but ultimate ly the same. First up, it's this one. Reading local dependencies if you have any.
You will probably in the this one these days when you have a no auth installed, when you ran it, and npm is still taking five seconds, and you don't know why. It usually isn't more than a couple of seconds but it's still pretty noticeable. Yarn has an interesting optimisation around this where they slap a metadata file based on Node modules, and they match, they say fuck it and trust what is in the modules.
npm has been a bit stub Bosch here since we've so far considered that no up case is a fairly rare thing, and if you run npm will be able to autofix any issues with your tree which we think is important enough to warrant the delay. I don't know, we might go ahead and do what Yarn does at some point anyway because people want that sweet, sweet speed-up, but in the end, this step tends to be noticeable, but it's not really the biggest delay. But this next one kind of was for a while. It turns out making literally thousands of requests just to get metadata from the registry in order to calculate our tree is fairly network-intensive operation, and in times, this was definitely a time hog.
So, like what happened? Well, basically, log files happened. Log files are supervene for developers, sure, but they're just a single file cache - oh, my God, what it is trying to update right now! Excuse me! They're just a single-file cache of the tree calculations step of your package managers.
And that's why we love that stuff so much. Once you've built your project up, none of your team-mates really need to bother doing this stuff until they add or remove any dependency. This is also why I'm pretty adamant that you should use log files for libraries. They just like make life so much easier. This next one has never really been a huge bottleneck on its own, but I still want to next it, because we do put some effort into keeping the stuff being fast enough.
I want you to know this stuff happens to exist. Long story short, this is what figures out what existing dependencies need to be removed, added, copied, whatever, since npm at three, we do calculation to flatten that tree. How many of you used npm 3 when it first came out? It was not the fastest thing on earth.
It's a lot faster now. Moving on. This one here. This one is by far the heaviest and slowest of all the install steps, mainly because it's the heaviest on pretty much all relevant resources.
Let's dive a little deeper into this one. In the end, we have hundreds of megabytes that need to be transferred over the network, and once we have those, we have to spend a bunch of CPU cycles parsing and un zipping the tar balls, and we do tons of heavy disk I/O. All of the three usual suspects are bottlenecks here in one way or the other, with and it depends on your usage pattern at some point in time.
Long story short, this is where the bad and slow stuff happens, and this has been a huge target of optimisation for pretty much all package managers. I assume many other package managers too. So, what can we do about this? Well, for one, we can do a bunch of cache ing of - different caching strategies have different trade-offs. npm takes innings it means we have to take the hit of parsing those tar balls every time.
Yarn stores them post-distraction which loses them - the npm here is really interesting. Because, they have an extracted cache, like Yarn, but instead of copying the files they hard-link them into their final destinations. This kind of surprisingly isn't really that much faster than copying on SSDs, and stuff, but it's definitely way more space-efficient, because you pay for each package exactly ones across your system.
That's pretty cool. And because I can't seem to stop talking about Yarn today, they have a thing called PMP that partially addresses problems in this step. The downside is that tools need to - it costs it can cause incompatibility. PMP is interesting and worth checking out.
You can have Maël talk about it at the next talk. He's great.
There is a lot of work making this a bit better. No surprise, it's the most expensive bit. I will get back to the soon, and what else we can do about it, but for now, let's wrap this walk-through. We do all the downloading, and extracting, and then we have to scan through the packages we installed and scrutiny run scripts. This isn't usually the biggest step since there's usually the run scripts that run, and most aren't that slow.
But, this still becomes noticeable on some unfortunate projects. npm doesn't do this, but some package managers actually parallelise this stuff at great risk and complexity, and it does make things a lot faster if you have heavy stuff to build, like ... which takes forever.
I think we're better off with a solution with something like Node Preget or have prebuilt binary somewhere on the registry, but that's what we've got right now. What you should take away here, though, is that in the end, node modules is massive. And also, where dreams go to die. Now, the fact is that node modules, while the greatest fraction has caused everyone massive headaches in usability, time wasted.
There's a lot to agree with on this front with Ryan's talk about node prerets here at this conference. What are you doing, microphone! Please calm down! But what do we actually do about it? It's easy to complain about, and talk about how bad an idea it is, but I still think that good outweighs the bad. Isolated dependencies are really good.
Having each individual project be able to manage dependencies is fantastic. Being safe from dependency hell is really good. The fact that we automatically nest things. That's great.
And, you know, we have kind of 900,000 packages out there that some of you might think that some of them are crappy, but most are pretty useful. At least a big enough percentage is useful that we want to keep that and have that compatibility. Package manager developers as well as the largest community to do what we can to make the most of this, right? I of course have my own ideas about this, and I kind of hinted what that was already.
What I think we should do at this point is move package management itself directly into the run time instead of an external utility. That is what tink is really about in the end, but what does this mean, and what can we actually do it once we've done that? So, this is what I'm talking about. You literally stop invoking Node yourself and you use tink instead. It was a subcommand called shell that wraps Node and adds patches to FT to make it work its magic.
What magic? Well, virtual Node modules. The big idea is that if we control the run time, we control what happens when someone tries to read from Node modules.
And, once we can to that at the run time level, all sorts of things start happening. It means that we can get rid of all these copies of Node modules without changing the module loader, or the expected APIs from packages. As far as any packages are concerned, they're accessing the file system the same way they usually do, and this means it's compatible with little details like __name, reading configuration files, and all of that. It works out of the box. Even Spon works.
But if we're not in Node modules, where are the files? Well, instead of copying them, we keep them all in a single global cache like npm does, except we deduplicate every single file at the hash level. That means if you have five versions of the same package, you only ever have new copies for the files that actually changed. Storing by hash can make reads very, very fast for us.
We can do more. Since we control the run time, let's automatically fudge dependencies for you, as you need them. Why don't we skip downloading dependencies you're not using in your current work. Tink is able to block on reads that fail from the local cache inline and fetch any packages you haven't downloaded yet.
Before you say anything, there's a dash-dash production flag to make sure we're not doing random requests in dependencies in production, et cetera. Of course, this means you don't do npm install any more.
You don't do npm install and wait for things ever again. Go for it! [Applause]. All you actually do is tink add, tink remove to add or remove individual dependencies and you don't have an install step any more. It gets done automatically by tink as needed.
It means if your co-worker pushed something and you pulled it, you just run it, and it just kind of works, and you don't have to worry about it. There's no conflicts to worry about, or new installs. Now, you might be concerned about this, by the way, patching FS self surrounds risky, right? But I'm not worried.
This is literally the same approach that Electron has taken and they're successful at it. We can also learn from their journey, so I believe this will work out in the end. In fact, some of the code to do this in tink comes directly from electron, and I modified it further. But wait, there's more.
Now that we have run time control, tink has TypeScript, ESM, Wasm and JX support out of the box! Yes, 63 per cent! Are you kidding me! How did you all multiply? 40 per cent last year. It also runs a very cheap check sum on every single file it loads from the global cache, so you know that, what you're getting out of the cache, what you're getting into your node is passing a checksum for every single load.
Which is fantastic. It's super secure. If it turns out you ran the tink show if there is a missing dependency, and if a single file was corrupted in your cache, even, tink will just download and install it for you and fix your dependencies automatically. You can turn this behaviour off in production, but when you're developing, it's super handy. Finally, my favourite part: all of this comes out of the box without the need to configure or install anything besides tink itself.
And I want to emphasise this. All of this comes without the need for any sort of loader. Webpack, it works.
All of this without any kind of loader or extra flag, or anything. You install and run things with tink, and that's all you need to do. Now, let's do a brief tour of the tool itself to give you an idea what I'm actually talking about. This year is the - this is the core feature of the entire tool, just about everything I've talked about so far is available through this one command.
You don't need to do npm install any more. All you need to do is run tink shell. This works in the interactive shell and it blocks and awaits for things, and you fetch the dependencies, and it kind of goes.
I know I talked about performance a lot before, but a really strong guiding light for me when working on npm and tink has been the idea of simplifying work throws. I want you to have to install and remember as little as possible in order to be productive. I know that's a big problem in JavaScript these days where you install, feels like you install half of npm just to get started. The ability just to start running and having the run time take care of this is super important for me in order to achieve the work flow. I think y' all should have in your day-to-day.
I want the package manager to disappear and not be something that you have to think about. That's very important. How many of you are familiar with NPX here? Show of hands.
Go! Tink accepts NPX. For the rest of you who don't know NPX is, it's a tool that is bundled within npm itself, and one of the things it lets you do is execute local binaries as well as temporary installations. For example, if you install Jest as a dependency, you can use npm Jest without installing it globally. You don't need to configure a run script for it.
Running your local bins through tink exec means we can apply the same logic to preinstall anything necessary for your binary that tink shell does for scripts. But what if you don't want to slow down your app with package management stuff? This command goes ahead and does the cache warming beforehand and runs on installs, binaries, and the likes for you.
When you run tink shell, it works as fast as when you, as if you did an npm install or something beforehand. You could argue that it the npm install of tink, but it's an optional step and night not speed things up at all, or might make absolute time pass slower. On CI, you may as well take the run time hit of fetching dependencies. But, what if you want to have an actual node module anyway? What if you want to inspect and use other tools or your editor which doesn't understand tink yet or whatever? In this case, there is a command called Unwind which does a full extraction to node module so you can use your editor, non-build tools, pretty much anything in the usual way. This is an in my install but a slight difference I will go into next.
What if you want to debug a specific dependency? That will let you patch thing however you want, debug it, et cetera. This is what I want to emphasise. Because of the way tink works anything inside node modules itself takes precedence over the virtual version.
If you use FS .right file tink will create a physical file for you in node modules which helps immensely with compatibility. That will just work. We will put a file there for you. Don't worry too much about it.
No. This command is is also done automatically at the individual package level for any dependencies that use install scripts to preserve compatibility because, you know, it doesn't understand Node itself but it's very few extractions.
So, since the closest thing to npm install only builds existing dependencies, how do we add and build dependencies? The classic trio, add, remove, and update. Great, fancy. They do basically what is says on the tin. By the way, all three of the these become fully interactive if you give them no arguments.
That means you'll be able to search interactively for new dependencies and pick them from a menu for removing and updating. Yeah, that's epic. Yeah! Interactive menus! [Applause].
Very exciting! So, the last command I'm going to introduce this is tink check utility. The really cool thing about this is it's a one-stop shop for all your verification and testing. The most noteworthy thing here is that it's going to run your type check out of the box without needing to install TypeScript. If you do install it as a dev dependency, or use that version of it, it will still run it for you.
But isn't it nice to be able to go into a project and type-check the TypeScript out of the box? It's really nice. Lint it.
It's really nice. At this point some might wonder if I've been doing too much Rust and cargoes lately. Rust is great. Where do he would go from here? First, we have to wrap up the prototype because that's all it is right now, a proof-of-consent. That should happen soon enough.
We want to build an own RFC-based team which builds more outside contributors than we usually had. This will allow us to hash out tink and take it where it needs to go together. The RFC process will ensure there's a community-based approach to growth and development which means you can make a difference by participating.
Once that is all set, we are turning tink into npm 8. That means that in the future, when you upgrade Node, what used to be called tink will be available out of the box as npm, just like current versions of npm are. You can still use it as you usually do. If you want to opt into this new work flow, the tool will be there for you.
It will also integrate with MPX meaning your NPX commands will run faster. Once npm 8 is shipped, it is a matter of integrating it into Node itself, and I look forward to working with the folks over there to make this happen. I know it's a big step to be, like, hacking FS itself, but I'm sheer we can make it happen.
Anyway, there's one more thing: we are planning to release at some point in the future a new pack age fetch in API in the main npm registry. This is exciting because combined with tink or something similar, there's a good number of advantages, and this is where the exciting stuff is starts happening. To give you an idea, this is where it should be great. The actual API is fairly small.
It's a couple of new end points that allows us to list files available in the package, and to fetch those individually by kind of like unpackage, right? What do we get from this? For one, some analysis and estimates that it could involve 40 per cent reduction in data transfer. That means your installs get done way faster. If you're on a connection slower than fibre, you will have less to wait for.
You might actually finish your npm install before the heat Liberals the universe. It means you will store less stuff on your system, you don't need to download readmes, test code, anything like that. You only download the files you actually use. This reduction is achieved by having tink shell fetch files lazily.
And then we cache it really aggressively. This is one of the most exciting reasons to do tink for me.
Finally, this one is interesting. Doing things like this has the potential to - hello? Has the potential to completely change how mono-based repo libraries work. As you probably already know, these libraries involve a lot of sub tools, literally 147 packages in the Babel mono repo. They published this under the scope so folks don't have to depend on the entire thing. You don't want the entirety of Babel.
Now, this can cause a lot of problems. For example, users can have issues keeping all packages in sync if they depend on each other in some way been on the publisher side, this is a really fragile set-up because it makes hair publisher process to subject to time-outs and they need to make sure that's correct start the entire publish process where it failed. It just gets nasty.
So, all of these tiny packages have to be released at the same time, usually with the tame version, and then you have to deal with the registry being eventually consistent, so not all package versions might be available when your user starts selling them, and there is chaos everywhere, it's awful, and npm starts erroring on you. With tink, this won't be necessary any more. Low dash and Babel will be able to publish a single omnibus package. It only fetches the sub packages you're using from within the big package.
Everyone wins, and you only have to have one low dash or babel item in your JSON. That's that.
Like I said, this isn't in progress yet but something we're planning on doing because the advantages are really clear to us all round. I hope you enjoy it when it does happen. In conclusion, tink is exciting, and also, it's kind of a work in progress. I'm sorry if you try and download it and it explodes in your face.
Keep away from flammable things! It works by having a virtual node modules that becomes your new run time. It has TypeScript, ESM, JSX and Wasm support out of the box. It will be known as npm 8 when released, and we will have a new unpackaged registry-style API in the future.
Go to us. You can go to development. You can check out the repo on GitHub. Thank you. [Cheering and applause].
>> Thank you so much, Kat. The next talk starts at 6.15.