Alexandra Sunderland
Bringing back dial-up: the internet over SMS
Travelling to JSConf EU from another country? You probably had to pay an arm and a leg for a data roaming package on your phone. But there’s a better way! What if I told you that you could stay connected to the internet with a phone that can only send and receive text messages? In this talk we’ll build our own browser that makes all requests over SMS, so that next time you can forget about that fancy data package.

Amanda: Thank you!
>> That's a very important aspect of, you know, making our content accessible. And Amanda says thank you. Stay tuned. We have more latebreaking cat facts.
>> Sir Isaac Newton is credited with the creation of the cat flap cat door because his experiments kept being interrupted by his own cat coming through the door. I don't know if that's true. But the Internet said it, so...
>> I would like to offer my own somewhat tragic cat fact. I love cats. But waitslightly allergic to them. Yeah. It's terrible.
That's dedication. I many pets put me in the hospital. Did us it work? Allergy shots work? That's and you're still breathing. So, that's that's fantastic.
Are we like we're waiting until 12:15 to start, right? Like, we I mean, if we have another five minutes to wait, I think it's time for calisthenics, don't you? I'm kidding. The look on everyone's face. Don't make me stand up. What are you no.
I'm going to cool it on the mic a little bit. No sense in rambling uhoh. Apparently, someone else would like to ramble.
>> Cat fact: Cats are able to jump up to six times their own length. Hm. Oooo this one's exciting. No! Okay. $20 million was spent by the CIA in the 1960s teaching cats to spy.
A small microphone and transmitter was inverted into one cat inserted? Into one cat after its first mission after five years of training. However, it was run over by a taxi after taking a few steps towards a known Russian meeting place in Washington. Which is rad, because cats are not cops.
>> You know, this seems like an opportune time to remind everyone that all cats are beautiful.
>> I have a question.
>> Is it about cats?
>> Please, no questions. We're trying to entertain the audience. What are you doing, getting ready for your talk? I've almost got it. It's buried somewhere in my Twitter.
This is a very important cat fact. I have to share this with you.
Oh, here we go. I looked this up. This is true. Mostly.
90% 90% of human DNA is literally cat DNA. So, only 10% of your genes are human. This is the fact, all right. I'm just go look it up, okay? We share 90% of our genetics with cats.
All I'm saying is like, we're all already basically furry, so just accept it. I mean
>> That explains why I like string.
>> It's true. I actually saw her just last night. There was like just a piece of string dangling from a ceiling at a bar we were at. What are you doing? And I hadn't seen the string at that point and she's just and I'm like, is there like a fly there? Nope. She found string.
So, that's good. Easily entertained is a good thing in my opinion. How are you? Living the dream.
>> All right. One more cat fact. Purring isn't exclusive to cats as other animals such as gorillas, elephants and even squirrels can do it too. I want to see a squirrel purr.
>> I can purr. You want to purr? Yeah. No, no, no, I'm not gonna make you do anything.
>> Purr...
>> Can I purr? Is that okay? [purring] [sounds exactly like a cat!] thank you. Thank you. Totally not a furry. Without the ears on. It's one minute early.
30 seconds? All right. Fine. Well, with all of that nonsense, I would like you all to help me with a very straightforward introduction. Please welcome Alexandra.
[ Applause ]
ALEXANDRA: Hi, everyone. I'm Alexandra. I'm a software engineer at Bella, we're making a product that acts as copilot for a manager, one on ones and feedback. If that's useful, check out And what I was to talk about today is something completely different in my spare time.
It's transferring all the data you need other SMS. Why would I build something like this when we have data on WiFi connections all over the world? I come from a country where a data plan for 2 gigabytes a month costs 55 Euros and only works in my hometown. Three quarters of a million people are using dialup Internet in their homes. I come from Canada.
So, the Internet is so, so expensive just when I'm at home, that when I'm traveling somewhere, to come to Berlin, the prices are out my price range. I like to travel, this data is an issue. When I travel, I love to visit Paris and the streets look like this. I get lost really easily in a gridlike structure. When I'm over here, I need data to get around.
And I could technically download a map offline and use that. But that doesn't give me transit directions which is something I really need when I walk an hour in the wrong direction. I need a subway to get back home.
When I was trying to come up with a solution for this problem, I noticed like I can't afford the data plans. But SMS without a data plan costs about 15 cents per message. I tried to work around that. When I was starting a solution to this problem, chatbots were the big thing at the time. I set up this problem, setting up a Python server with SMS and grabbing it from the Internet and grabbing the directions and text it back to me.
I could do something simple, how do I get from point A to B and get the Google Map directions back in one SMS. I could do this for 30 cents per direction. Which is pretty good compared to what I would be paying for data otherwise. And this really worked, and I used it lot when I was traveling.
But the issue is when you get a little bit of access to the Internet, you start to crave it quite a bit more. So, I was building these oneoff integrations to figure out ratings for a restaurant I wanted to see or a translated word I didn't know and do all this stuff. And building out all these integrations as a oneoff took up a lot of time. I thought, there must be a better way. I'll just build a browser.
And that's what I'm gonna show you today. So, your two main components to the project I did. There's the Android app on one side and the server in NodeJS on the other. The app I made in Android because I was it just for me.
I don't have an iPhone. I didn't care about iOS. And I'm using Java instead of Kotlin because there was a lot more on StackOverflow on SMS.
That was a good solution for me, I'm not an app developer. And NodeJS, I thought it would be fun you to use JavaScript on a browser where it doesn't belong to make this JavaScriptless browser. And then Twilio for the communication. And Twilio does a lot of things, I bought a phone number from it and it let me set up an end point to forward all any SMS to. I can send a text message to my Twilio phone number and it will forward all those messages to my server.
So, before I jump into the project, just to set up like a limitation I had to deal with, SMS can only handle 160 characters at a time. If I want to create a browser, I'm going to have to transmit this data less than one Tweet at a time. So, for more context on the issue. Like this Google web page looks very, very small.
It's just a text box and the logo and a button. But the thing is, if you actually look at the page source, not including any CSS, not including the images or any sources being loaded in, this web page is a quarter of a million characters long.
If you were to transmit this entire thing, 1300 SMS, not including the ones dropped along the way. In Twilio fees alone, I would have been paying $10 to transmit this Google page. It defeats the purpose of being a cheap solution. So, we have to do a lot on this page to get it to work.
But if we were to imagine what this Google page look would like building it up from scratch, we wouldn't imagine all the CSS to make it load. We would imagine this little bit of HTML that sets up the form and the text box which is with a we need and takes one SMS. This is how we envision a lot of the web pages to make this project work.
So, we're going to walk through the life cycle of a request and that's starting on the Android side in the app. Right off the bat we get into this huge limitation with systems because the URL spec says that a URL can be 2,000 characters longitudinal. So, that could take up 13 SMS which is a lot more than we want to deal with. The first thing on the app side, and the app looks like this, a text box and a go button.
Very simple browser. We're going to start off by chopping off everything that we don't really need.
So, the browser is going to be a very textbased browser. We're not going to allow any kind of cool singlepage applications. We can chop off anything that has a pound symbol, page, whatever. We don't want any tracking IDs or query parameters.
Everything in black after the URL there we can get rid of. And same with the HTTPS, www, at the start of the URL because it's assumed that all websites have that anyway.
So, the part in yellow is what we're going to be sending over as an SMS. And that's gonna look something like this. I'm not going to cover the Android side of things too much. But make sure we have send, receive and write permissions on Android and use their simple SMS manager API which lets you just specify the destination phone number which in this case is our Twilio one. Specify the text that you want to send and then it just gets sent off.
So, then Twilio picks up on message and converts it into a format that the server will read. It comes with a bunch of metadata. We're only going to care about the body, who it's to and from so we know who to send this message back to.
So, this message gets sent over to the server. Which we're gonna look at next. So, a lot of us probably working in React or some kind of like componentizing library or framework all day. So, we kind of forget how big our HTML ends up really being because we're only dealing with these little tiny components at once.
If like me and page source accidently instead of inspect element all the time you end up with a massive wall of text. And how on Earth are web pages this big? This is what the Google source page looks like.
This is what we're going to have to deal with and parse before sending it back over for a text. But there are a lot of things that we can remove from this off the bat. We don't care about comments, we don't care about header data. We don't care about CSS or any that have stuff.
So, there's a lot of stuff we can take off pretty easily to get this to work. On the server side, what we're gonna do is start by grabbing the URL that Twilio sent us, making a request to that URL by prepenning the HTTPS to it and then use a library called Cheerios which is jQuery for the server side pretty much. And use that to get the body off of the HTML because jQuery makes that quite easy. And then once we have this body, we're going to start to remove a bunch of the HTML.
For that, I used a library, sanitize HTML. So, line four that I highlighted lets you specify specific tags in the HTML that you want to allow.
So, here we're only going to allow anchor tags, inputs and forms. Those are the only elements in my opinion that really provide any kind of value to the user in a textbased browser. Lines 710 highlighted shows the specific attributes on those tags that we are gonna allow. So, we're not gonna allow class name because we don't have CSS anyway.
We're not gonna allow image tags because we can't really load images over SMS. And we're going to start loading these things.
The last bit that's highlighted in the exclusive filter. So, sanitize HTML lets us specify a function of the tags and attributes to decide whether we want to show certain things. So, one of the examples I have there is we're going to get rid of all of the hidden inputs because the user can't see those anyways so it's not going to provide any value. And we're gonna get rid of policy URLs and terms and conditions. No one is going to click on those anyway so it's kind of wasted space.
Now we have essentially a whole bunch of text and a couple of tags left in the HTML. We're going to start to compress this text. And we could use something like Gzip. But that's not fun.
So, we're gonna forget about any kind of real compression. So, in the English language there are a lot of words that we use super often like the and.
And a lot of single letters that are words, I and A. And any common English word can be mapped to a single later that's not a word, everything that's the becomes T, and becomes ampersand or whatever letter. And on Android side, doing the decompression, we know if that letter is there on its own, it means the because it's not a word otherwise. And to do that, it's very, very simple. We have to set up a dictionary mapping these words to their shorter versions and then go through the text and do a replace all.
Another way of compressing the text is through the source APIs. So, if we're visiting a website like Wikipedia, there are going to be a lot of big words that don't need to be that big. So, what we can do is find those very large words, use a thesaurus API and see if there's a matching synonym that's much shorter. Pen ten chair is many letters and jail is a four letter word, we don't care about the word, do a replacement. This is a 66% compression which is quite a good compression rate.
The last way we're going to compress the text in our HTML is by replacing links. So, when you're using a website on your phone, you don't care what a link actually is. You just care that it takes you to where it's supposed to take you. The links can be really, really long.
Like up to 2,000 characters. So, instead of sending over these links that no one is actually going to be reading, we're gonna replace them with really short, random strings.
So, when a user clicks on a link on the app side, that short link is what's gonna be sent back to the server. The server's gonna know that short link means that long link and it's gonna fetch the correct data to send back to us. And that's gonna look like this. I'm using Reddit to store the pairings of short to long URLs because we don't need anything superpersistent.
Most links are not going to be clicked on anyway and the web page is probably going to be gone in five minutes. What we're doing here is there's a function that takes the phone number from the user and the actual URL that is in the web page and it's going to store it in Redis where the key is the phone number and the short URL so it's really easy to retrieve when it's sent back. And then the value of that is the full URL.
Now, the last bit of compression we're going to do is on the HTML itself. So, we've compressed all the English text, we've compressed the tags and attributes. But we still have going to have a lot of large tags like this. And things like input or type and name and value and all those tags that we do allow are going to show up pretty often. So, we can remove those and replace them.
A nice thing about the SMS characters is that it supports all of the English or all of the English or letters and numbers and things that you see on an English keyboard plus the whole Greek alphabet. So, what we've done here since all the individual letters are already used by our English compression, the text compression, we're going to start mapping specific HTML tags and combinations of symbols to these Greek letters. I tried to map it by color here, the open bracket input matches the first character, type equals open quotation mark is the second character. So on. This brings it down from 44 characters to 12 characters which is going to provide a significant compression.
So, now the HTML is ready to be sent out. But an annoying thing about SMS is that there's no guarantee of delivery and there's no guarantee that it's gonna be delivered in the right order either. So, you might end up with a situation where we've sent out six SMS, but only four of them get there and they're all out of order. We're not going to really care about the part where the SMS are dropped in this project because it's just a small project for me to access the Internet for fun. And if we did worry about that, we would have to build out an entire pact delivery network where you have to figure out which messages were dropped, how to recover from that and that's just a little bit more effort.
But we are going to worry about this out of order problem. And to solve that, the HTML that we have is going to be divided up into the 160character limit. And we're going to prepen some metadata to the start of each message that shows the total number of messages in this web page and then the index where that SMS falls so that when we put the HTML back together it's in the correct order.
And to send out those messages, we're just going use Twilio's library. Very simple, Twilio, send message. And it goes off and that's all I have to do. Now the messages are sent and we're ready to start getting them again on the Android side. So, Android has a thing called a broadcast receiver which is something that listens out for certain signals that are sent within your phone.
So, here we have set up a broadcast receiver that listens out for messages coming in specifically from the number that we own on Twilio. So, what this is doing is it's just listening for that message to come in. And then it's grabbing the text from that message and sending it other to an activity which is Android's way of saying a new you.
And in that new view, the first thing we're going to have to do is reverse that Greek letter conversion that we did to get the proper HTML back. We're going to reverse the shortened English words. We're going to add some spaces between closing and opening tags so there's a little bit of format in our page. There's no CSS to make it look good.
We're going to try to break it up a little bit. And then we're going to load the HTML. So, Android has my favorite feature ever which is called a web view.
And web view is something that lets you have a like a little version of Chrome within your app. And this was the most exciting feature for me because going into this project I didn't know that you could pass a web view in actual HTML string, I thought you could only pass a URL to load. I thought I would have to build my own browser and rendering engine and that didn't sound like tons of fun. This takes care of everything. Chrome is just going render everything properly for us.
And this is what it ends up looking like. So, if we load if we load Google .ca, on the left we have what this looks like in the app which is basically what Google looked like 15 years ago. On the right side is the SMS that you can actually see coming in your default messaging app on your phone. So, this entire web page took just three SMS to transmit instead of the 1300 otherwise.
And the code is not specific to Google. It's applicable to any textbased website. So, we could just hard code this website instead like on one of the first few slides where it's just one SMS to transmit and that would have taken even less data to send over.
So, I have dialup in the name of the talk. And I was curious, how does this actually compare to dialup Internet? On my phone, loading Google takes about 2 seconds using like regular data or WiFi. On dialup a couple years ago, it would have taken a minute to do. And on my phone, it's about 10 seconds when my phone is working. If you're somewhere where you don't have any other axe out Internet, me travelling to Europe, 10 seconds is not that bad to wait for a website to load.
So, SMS is not secure at all. It is subject to be intercepted. It is not secure. One of the ways I prevented people from misusing this is by removing in I kind of signin links from the HTML and doing that.
But otherwise, this is not something that should be used to log into anything. On the bright side, though, because this is a custom browser, there's no tracking.
So, it's technically more private than your general browser. Something that would have made this project quite a bit easier is using MMS instead of SMS. I could have transmitted the entire website just by compressing a little bit and sending it over very, very little for not that much more expensive. But that's not fun. So, didn't do it that way.
There are a lot of things I want to do with this project. So, phones are, by nature, bidirectional in communication. So, we could do something really easily with web sockets because a server can just ping the phone whenever it wants. We could do AJAX.
For websites we visit a lot like Twitter or something, the format of every Tweet is exactly the same. We could store the HTML in CSS to recreate the proper Twitter on our phone and just use the SMS to get the actual text content. We could support JavaScript.
Might be a little difficult because we're removing so much HTML. But it would be a fun problem to figure out how to map JavaScript to the HTML and properly compress those and my favorite, what I'm working on now, is true dialup for this project. We're not doing dialup because it's SMS. But we could do a phone call to transmit data like dialup used to work.
That would be quite a bit cheaper. It would be much faster, and it would be real dialup in that case because you could use your phone while the website was loading.
So, there are probably a lot of you thinking this is ridiculous, there are cards for this purpose. I didn't know about this until a couple months ago.
[ Laughter ]
So, if you're traveling to Europe, you can get a SIM card like for 20 gigs for very, very cheap. And 20 gigs compared to my 2 gigs at home is essentially unlimited data. This is what I get when I travel now. And it's a much better solution.
But when I'm in Europe, I usually come for the two weeks you're allows with a SIM card plus a day. My project comes in handy for that one extra day.
And so, my talk or my the code is available on my GitHub. There's a link to that from my website. And, yeah. That's my talk. Thank you.
[ Applause ]
>> Wowee, wow, wow. I have to say that that was a very imaginative, very imaginative presentation. Thank you. I honestly could I mean, as I was watching this, started painting a picture in my mind. It was I just can't imagine having that thought process in the first place.
Like, that's I'm impressed. But as you were talking, I was thinking about I was thinking about this. What you were saying about like shortening words down. And I thought that was that is fascinating.
I would normally say what an imaginative presentation. But I looked it up, there are shorter synonyms. What a vivid act. Vivid act, I guess.
There's synonyms for imaginative presentation. And instead of saying absolutely fabulous, I could say fully read. So, anyway, thank you again.
>> Thanks.