Aditya Mukerjee
করো: Translating Code to Other (Human) Languages, and Back Again
Javascript runs on nearly any platform. Most languages can compile to Javascript. It’s well-positioned to become the lingua franca of programmers, with one problem: Like most programming languages, Javascript is based on English. 89% of the world’s population doesn’t speak any English. Many of those people can’t even read the Latin script. If we want Javascript to be a lingua franca, we need to ensure it is accessible to all people, regardless of their native language.
Let’s look at the barriers that non-native speakers face when contributing to OSS Javascript projects and what it would take to remove them entirely, so that two developers could collaborate without speaking the same language. We will see what techniques Javascript can borrow from other languages by taking a look at করো (koro), a project which adds Bengali support to the Go compiler. And, we will learn enough about compilers and character encoding to answer the eternal question: “Could we do this in Javascript?”

>> Thank you, all. My name's Aditya. This talk is entitled koro, translating human code back into languages and back again. I've been writing JavaScript off and on again for about 20 years, but these days my primary language isn't JavaScript, it's Go.
I've been writing Go for the last seven years and I will be taking a look at work that has been done? Go and seeing how we might apply that same work to the JavaScript world as well. Even though my examples will be in Go, everything can and should be done in JavaScript too. How many of you speak English as a second language? That's the overall majority here.
So worldwide, only five per cent of the world speaks English as their first language, and only about 11 per cent speaks English at all. That means that the majority of people who speak English speak it as their second language. If this conference were perfectly represented of the entire world, that only means 165 people out of this entire conference would be able to understand this talk, and of those, all but 75 would be listening to me speak in what is for them a foreign language. I feel like to say software is eating the world, but also JavaScript is eating software. I don't just mean that things are moving to the web, which has always been JavaScript's platform of dominance, but JavaScript also is being used in ways that we never really thought of maybe like 20 years ago.
Node.js was launched on this very stage ten years ago at this conference, and that completely changed the way in which we think of JavaScript. JavaScript is now being used - you can use JavaScript to write Excel macros. Try explaining someone to that in the mid-90s, that you would be using live script to write your Microsoft Office macros. If you want to do positioning logic within Linux, you're going to be writing JavaScript rules.
Technology which includes software is a powerful enabling force. We have the ability to do amazingly things on a global scale using software.
Thanks to software, we are able to take pictures of a black hole that is 55 million light years away. We can treat and cure diseases that would have been thought chronic or even fatal just a few decades ago. We might not think of this as achievements of software specifically but software is the underlying force that is powering and enabling all of these. But software can be used for terrible things as well, using it to inflict violence or commit genocide.
If we think software is a powerful and enable enabling force, who does it enable and what does it allow them to do? I have really lives who don't speak English. If one came to me and said they want to learn to write software and asked me for advice, the first thing I would say is you have to learn English because if you don't speak English, you're not really going to be able to do much in the software world, certainly not in open-source software development. Especially if you don't even read the Latin script because your native language uses a different script altogether. That itself is a barrier.
If writing software is only an option for the ten per cent of the world who can speak English, that has huge implications about what it means when we say that software is an empowering and enabling force. So if JavaScript wants to be the future of software development and we think that software development is going to be an enable willing force for the world, then we need to writing JavaScript is accessible to people of all languages, not just English.
The idea of eliminating natural language barriers to programming isn't new at all. In fact, it's very old. Grace Hopper is one of the first computer scientists and she wrote THE very first compiler for a high-level language. You should check out her portrait there. The language that she invented was called Cobal, and the goal was to have English-like national language syntax so that business executives could write code.
She got a lot of pushback about this because engineers thought if non-engineers can write code, this can put us out of a job but Hopper took this vision further. Why restrict it to English-like syntax? What if engineers who speak other languages want to be able to write code as well, and she wanted Cobal to be a language you can talk to people around the world. The response she got to that was more vitriolic. How can we teach American computers to run German programmes? That wasn't an accident.
This wasn't a question of how it can be done technically, it was a political question. This was the 1950s, and in the US military, the fear of a threat from Germany or Russia was still a huge fear in people's minds.
But even if Hopper's idea was put on the back burner in the 1950s due to xenophobia and Cold War politics, we can look at what that means today, and apply that approach to modern languages. So this is Hopper speaking about Cobal many years later, "I would have thought it would be useful to NATO because they had the common verbs for the things they're going to do, and the nouns, they have to have a dictionary for the things they were referring to for inventory control. They would have common announce throughout NATO and a diction of common verbs and translate the programme. You can write one in English and you could translate it and it goes to the other language.
No problem. You have communication. It would be a limited vocabulary." One thing is that she chose the imperative mood specifically because she thought it would be universal to languages, because not all languages distinguish between tenses in the same way but they generally have a commanding way to do something. Cobol popularised the programming style, and that stuck with us today.
Even JavaScript, way has the capabilities of a function al language, we still usually use imperatives for the four function names and that is - let's see what we get when we take the principles of hopper's vision and apply that to a modern programming language like JavaScript or Go, Koro is an extension of the Go compiler. It's an idiomatic translation of the English name Go.
You will see why I chose it for this example. But as for Bengali, I chose that because Bengali it's the language my family speaks, and we're Bengali, and, if you talk to Bengali about our language and culture, you'll see very quickly that we're pretty proud of it. The Bengalis like to say is the language that is so beautiful, people literally fought a revolution, an entire war, to defend the right to speak it. The United Nations more recently actually issued a declaration stating that Bengali was the sweetest-sounding language in the entire world. But on a more practical note, Bengali is a pretty common language.
After Hindi, it's the most common language spoken in India, and also the national language of Bangladesh. Combined, that means it's the seventh most widely spoken language in the entire world. There are more native speakers of Bengali than there are of German and French combined. It also uses a non-Latin script, so it gives us an opportunity to test the boundaries of what we can do with Unicode and how characters get treated and rendered in languages outside the ASCII code range.
Again, nothing that I'm doing here is unique to Bengali or to Go. If you speak another language, which it seems the majority of this room does, I encourage you to go home and try to do this with your own language as well.
This right here is a simple "hello, world" in standard Go. If you've never written a line of code, you can guess what it is doing here. This is that equivalent programme written in koro. We've left the identifier names intact, and I did not forget "true", true is not a key word in Go.
Based on the previous slide, you can take a guess at what this programme is doing. If you don't speak Bengali, you might not be able to figure it out from scratch, if you do, this is a whole lot more readable than what we just saw on the previous slide. The first challenge we need to do here is we need to get this programme to run because the Go compiler isn't going to know what to do with the key words. Here we can take advantage of a nice trick.
This is why we chose Go for this example. Go's source code is all UTF8.
The Go compiler has trouble dealing with non-ASCII characters in Go programmes and the Go compiler is bootstrapped, written in Go which means that the Go compiler is a Go programme so it has trouble dealing with non-ASCII key word definitions or strings. There are a few checks that ensure that non-alphabetic or non-alphabetic characters can be used in key words but it turns out that you additional them and nothing goes wrong. If we disable them, all you need to do is extend the mapping that has the strings, that map strings to the internal tokens, and extend those to include the Bengali translations of the key words as well. JavaScript already has the analogous concept of transformations, and that is something that is used heavily in JavaScript, if languages like TypeScript and also with polyfills, and it is a little trickier to do this for reasons of they have to do with compiler architecture which I'm not going to get into, but it's still - it's fairly similar. It's the still very much possible to use this same approach in JavaScript to translate from one human language to another, or one dialect of a programming language to another.
Having made those changes, this is what that "Hello, World" looks like in practice. You can see the programme, and we are going to run it. There we go. Thank you. [Applause].
Remember, our goal is to defragment open-source development, not to fragment it further. We need to make sure that our code that we are writing in koro is still interoperable with English-speaking Go developers are use as well. We don't want to have to translate every programme manually because that would be unfeasible, but the computers are doing the heavy-lifting for us. Conveniently, for translation, Go has a handy utility for format ing - and mostly we you have the use Go format to argue over bike shedding, semicolons, things like that.
Instead of arguing which is the proper way to indent your code, you set up the editor whichever way you want and render tabs how you want them to be, and, when you save your code, it's committed in the standard form. If I want to use four spaces for indentation and you want to use two, Go format means we can work together. I set up my editor to render it to the width I want and we don't need to know that we have different indentation preferences because the code committed is on the standard form. Go format is syntax aware, so it can do things like remove unnecessarily parentheses and ensure it will never change your code semantics.
That's a simpler way of saying it is a great way of performing fully isomorphic translations of source code which is exactly what we could wouldn't here. All we have to do is extend Go format and repurpose it for translating English Go code into Bengali or vice versa, and that is what koro format does. So let's translate that same programme written in koro back into English-speaking Go and run it.
Here is the koro programme. And now we can format it, and we get the English programme again, but if you don't believe me, we can run it and prove it does the exact same thing. There we go. We just translated from one language to another, and back again. There we go.
So the same way that you didn't know that I was using four spaces for tabs and I don't know that you were using two, having bidirectional translation layers means you don't need to know that I'm writing my code in English and I don't need to know that you're writing your code in whatever language you happy to speak. We can still work together and we localise our source code as a commit hook and the editor will display it for us in the language that we want. As a developer, koro means we only need to look at source code in our own language, and as far as the code is concerned, the language barriers are no more of a barrier to you and me writing code and working together than our indentation preferences are. That's the way it should be.
Translated the key words but you will notice that we left the - we didn't touch everything, so like the package names and identifiers, those we kept in English. Is there a way that we can translate those as well in there are a lot of ways to choose variable names but the one thing that everyone agrees on is they should be descriptive and concise.
If you don't speak English, then it's not descriptive to have English codenames. In reality, many functional names are highly structured. We don't need to, as Hopper mentioned, we already have the verbs that we use when talking about our programme. There is the common vocabulary.
We can take advantage of that in the translation step as well and translate these. There we go. So, yes, we have read fu, write fu, et cetera, and these are common verbs that you use when we write JavaScript programming, and even if we don't translate all of them, having that on the right is a whole lot better and descriptive and compatible on the rest. You might know what fu means, you might not be able to pronounce that, but you can still tell that that means you're going to be reading something.
It's some sort of access or method. By being more conscious about these conventions we're already using, we can make our code that much more accessible to non-English speakers.
We might not get all of these translations for free but we can still get many of them, and that is a huge step forward. Now the million-dollar question: could we do this with JavaScript? There are a few reasons I chose Go for this example. In Go the source code is acquired by the UTF8 means internally strings and byte arrays are treated as UTF8 as well. JavaScript is - source code can be what you want in JavaScript, whatever the interpreter happens to support. As for the internal representation of strings, that is an even trickier question.
If you talk to most people, they will say UTF-16, wide Unicode, that's mostly true except where it's not. Some people will say it's UCS2, that some were true except where it's not. The reality is probably best described like this like this: JavaScript is some weird amalgamation of UTF16 and UTFC2 internally which works fine, but it makes, trickier when you're dealing with non-ASCII things outside the code point, especially when you're dealing with the actual digging into the actual internals of the language implementation itself because you can't rely on the source encoding, because it can be whatever the interpreter happens to support, and you can't rely on, and dealing with code points that are far outside the ASCII code range so you need to be able to handle more than one byte at a time in your key words. A lot of implementations, particularly things implemented in C, they're going to struggle with that. Could we do this in JavaScript? I mean, honestly, I think so.
Definitely, not as easy as it is in Go, like I've outlined some of the challenges there, but definitely possible. That said, one of my friend, who is a very die-hard JavaScript programmer, she told me that the best way to get JavaScript developers to write something is to convince them that it can't be done in JavaScript. If you tell them they can't tell them in JavaScript, then within an hour of your talk finishing, there will be three packages which do that thing. I'm going to tell you this can't be done in JavaScript, and I'm going to bet that you cannot prove me wrong! [Applause].
Ask how we've done the - we've done the source code itself, and we have to talk about the users, and the users include developers who are using developer tooling as well. Error messages are a big part of that. Node.js does a pretty good job with this by abstracting the way that messages are presented from the internals of it, so JavaScript actually already does, I would say, well, some platforms of JavaScript, does maybe 70 per cent of the work that you would need for this. Go is an approach to error-handling that is different from most languages, but if you've actually written JavaScript, you're probably still familiar with it, because in JavaScript, you can't use access - exception handling to, or error handling within a callback because it's asynchronous code.
You have to pass in error values and operate on the values. Go does the exact same thing but for all code where synchronous or asynchronous.
In Go, to juice JavaScript terminology, all errors are an object that happens for a dot error method on it, and that is guaranteed to return a string. That's the only thing that you're guaranteed to know about than error is that one specific method is present and it will always return a string if it is not null. And that applies, that is a proper that means it's powerful but it means that that message then needs to be accessible to people who don't speak English because - what happened here? As developers, we've struggled with cryptic error messages. This is from Java because I've been using it so long as an example of a terrible error message that I've forgotten what it means. It's a real error message.
If you know what it means, tell me, because it's been years, I've forget. JavaScript isn't immune, either. If you write JavaScript a lot, you probably have an idea of what that means and what the error is, but if you've never written JavaScript, this is your first time encountering that error, it's not so clear what you need to do there to fix it. Certainly if you don't speak English because the only thing that is worse than a cryptic error message is a cryptic error message in a language you can't understand.
Translating error messages is a good starting point. Not only are they fine night in full - finite in number - and they are the easiest to solve technically because we can rely on existing localisation strategies.
Node.js does a good job of making this abstraction available. We just don't have that fully for all languages. We're not taking advantage of that, and we're certainly not taking advantage of it over the JavaScript ecosystem. JavaScript has localisation libraries that will provide experience of textual strings in a designated locale.
You can present it to the user in a in the language that we're going to be able to understand. So, we've talked about a lot of different things so far. There are a lot of steps that we can take to including non-English speakers more in JavaScript development. Making tool chains for translating code to other languages, like what we saw here with koro, that's just one of them, and there is more as well.
I don't have time to talk about the aspects like documentation. How do you translate documentation and how do you make sure that that documentation stays in sync between across languages? How do you make things like mailing lists or even meet-ups and conferences like this, make those accessible to people who speak any language, not just people who happen to speak English? I don't have time to go into the details today, but I've spoken about some of the challenges in the past, so, if you're interested, you can check that out, or come and find me afterwards.
Of course, that means that not all the stuff is technical, but - but some of his requires you rolling up your sleeves and lying code, and if someone is interesting in doing this with JavaScript or another language like what koro does for Go, go ahead and prove me wrong when I say it can't be done in JavaScript. But others are straightforward, and more low-tech. They involve the ways we operate as a community. We are scratching the surface here. For think of this stuff to happen, we need to commit ourselves to doing it.
We need to remember that 95 per cent of the world doesn't speak English as their first language, and 89 per cent of the world doesn't speak English fluently at all. Thanks to JavaScript's dominance over the web over the years, that means that if there is language that has been spoken and is being written today by active users, and it is basically a certainty that, at some point, that language is being used alongside JavaScript, that JavaScript is handling that language in some capacity. That's a virtual certainty because of how widely used JavaScript is across the web and how powerful the web has been in transforming people's lives, not just in English-speaking countries, but really all around the world. So, it means that there is really no language that is as well suited and JavaScript is to being used by the entire world, not just people who speak English. We have an opportunity to bridge this language divide, to make Hopper's vision a reality in a way that no other programming language has been able to do before.
So, let's do that. Let's make JavaScript a programming language that is truly accessible to everyone, no matter what language you happen to speak. Thank you. [Applause].